Opened in February 2007 and sitting on a third of 7.9 Hectares of prime freehold land, Uprising Beach Resort is a locally owned and managed beachfront resort offering an Authentic Fijian Accommodation experience with over 200 metres of absolute beachfront. With 24 Private Rooms, a 20 Bed Tree House Shared Facility, a Single Restaurant and 2 Bars, Uprising offers a 3.5 Star option for the adventure seeker!
Located in Pacific Harbour, Fiji’s Adventure Capital, only a short 45 minute drive from Fiji’s Capital City- Suva, Uprising offers mainland access to some of Fiji’s most sought after ocean and land activities such as the internationally acclaimed “Shark Reef Shark Dives” and the “Garden of Eden” Rivers Fiji Tour of the Upper Navua River.
Uprising Beach Resort in partnership with Mangroves For Fiji is committed to becoming a 100% Carbon Neutral Resort by 2018. In order to achieve this, they are required to plant no less than 15 hectares of mangroves to offset our daily emissions. Their guests also assist us in this program by collecting mangrove seeds and planting them in the Uprising nursery which are then transfer into their natural environment once they are ready. Depending on where they are visiting from, their guests can offset their individual carbon emitted during their flight to Fiji by planting the recommended number of seedlings calculated by the team from Mangroves for Fiji. Recycled plastic bottles are used to house their seedlings before they are transferred into their natural habitat.
Their carbon footprint requires them to plant 15 hectares or up to 150, 000 Mangrove plants in order to become Carbon Neutral based on their carbon calculations. Once all Mangroves have been planted, they will have successfully offset their own yearly emissions and become a carbon neutral business. To date, 6.55 hectares previously planted by Projects Abroad and allocated to Uprising therefore a further 8.45 hectares is required or 84,500 mangrove plants!!
But they will not stop there: Uprising will additionally offset the emissions generated by their customers when travelling to Fiji, thus making this an ongoing undertaking. Uprising will finance all of this out of cash flow, by reserving part of their earnings for this purpose.
Uprising is paying Mangroves For Fiji FJD $250.00 per hectare of which ½ will be paid once the Mangroves are in the ground and the other 1/2, upon inspection of the site allocated for planting.